Rabu, 28 Mei 2014


Tips and Trick TOEFL Structure
1.         The sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.
The characteristics noun : The, a, an, -ion, -ment, -ty, -ness, and usually located between the ... of ...
Example : Of all the cereals, rice is the one —– food for more people than any of the other grain crops.
a.   It provides.                                       c. Provides.
b.  That providing.                                  d. That provides (Answer).
2.        Subject & Verb Agreement.
-       Is ® tunggal
-       Are ® jamak
-       Subjek Tunggal ® V+s/es
-       Subjek Tunggal ® has
-       Subjek Jamak —> have
3.        Parallesm.
Formula : words, words (and / but / or / so) word – uniform.
Example : To generate income, magazine publishers must decide wheather to increase the subscription price or
a.   To sell advertising.                            c. Selling advertising (answer).
b.  If they should sell advertising.                    d. Sold advertising.
4.        One of the definite sentence tenses.
5.        Front of conjunctions in the sentence, then there must be a middle sentence punctuation commas.
Altought, because, when, since.
Example : both men and women have often achieved their career ambitions by midlife, many people are afflicted by at last a temporary period of dissatisfaction and depression.
a.   Because (answer).                             c. A.
b.  So.                                                   d. Who.
6.        IF.
-       If Present, …will…
-       If Past, …would … (were) ® khusus
-       If had+V3, … would have+V3 …
Example : If it — more humid in the desert of the Soutwest, the hot temperature would be unbearable.
a.   Be.                                                   c. Was.
b.  Is.                                                    d. Were (answer).
7.        Paired conjunction.
-       Both …and…
-       Not only … but also…
-       Either … or…
-       Neither … nor…
-       The same … as…
-       As … as…
Example : North Carolina is well known not only for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park — for the Cherokee Indian settlements.
a.   Also.                                                 c. But also (answer) sesuai rumus.
b.  And.                                                 d. Because of.
8.        Comparatives and Superlative Sentences.
-  More/-er …than ® should not be disposable the, except word : the sooner …, the better…
-  Most/the -est …in/of …
9.        Countable Noun dan Uncountable Noun.
-       Nouns can be calculated : Many, Few.
-       Nouns can not be counted : Much, Little.
-  There is a special noun is a noun that can not be calculated : money, data, information, time, homework, equipment.
-  Noun word “s” meaning behind it certainly can be counted, unless the news (not calculated).
Example : the investor who —money , silver, or bonds are good options.
a.   Has so little.                                               c. Has so few.
b.  Has very little (answer).                             d. Has very few.
10.      Verb pairs.
-       Fail to.
-       Responsible for.
-       Afraid of.
-       Effect…on…
-       Forbidden to…
-       Interested in…
Example : The differential attractions of the sun and the moon have a direct effect on the rising and the falling of the tides.
11.       Conjunctive.
-       Who ® Predikat (V, tobe bukan orang).
-       Whom ® Subject (orang).
-       That ® Kata kerja.
Example : John Philip Sousa, whom many people consider the greatest composer of marches, wrote his music during the era known as the Gay 90s.
12.      Causative.
-       Principle tells people to do something.
-       People (had/made/let/help), people + V1.
Example : I help you do your homework.
13.      Negative expressions.
(Not/only/never/rarely) + sentences + (aux+s+v1).
14.      Preposition.
-                                                                           Tunggal ® it, is.
-                                                                           Jamak ® they, them.
Example : Aeronomy is the study of the earth’s upper atmosphere, whch includes it’s composition, temperature, density, and chemical reactions.
15.      Pronoun.
-       (by/in/of/for) + Kata benda / V+ing.
Example : Althought it can be derived from oil, coal, and tar, kerosene is usually produced by refining it from petroleum.

1 komentar:

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